NOAA Commercial Data Program Announces 2024 Community Day

NOAA will host an online Commercial Data Program (CDP) Community Day on Thursday, September 26, 2024, at 1:00-2:30 p.m. EST.
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The focus of this community day is to provide a CDP status and describe how NOAA is using the results from the General Request for Information (G-RFI) released by the CDP in December 2023. Through the 2023 G-RFI, NOAA sought information on existing and planned on-orbit commercial environmental data for the FY2024 to FY2032 timeframe and that may help NOAA meet its diverse mission objectives. Since receiving this data, NOAA has been considering how results may inform potential Commercial Weather Data Pilot (CWDP) projects for terrestrial or space weather applications.
At the community day, presenters will offer an update on the G-RFI process, outcome, methodology, technology types considered, and considerations of NOAA mission needs. Other topics will include the objectives and future plans of the CDP, including operational data purchases and data pilot projects to support NOAA’s observational requirements.
Questions from the community are highly encouraged. Questions can be emailed in advance to with the subject line “NESDIS CDP Community Day 2024” no later than noon EDT on September 25.
The video recording of the meeting has been released and the presentation material is now available for download.