Gabriel Swiney
Director, Policy, Advocacy, and International Division
Office of Space Commerce
NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce

Gabriel Swiney is the Director of the Office of Space Commerce’s Policy, Advocacy, and International Division. He comes to OSC from NASA, where he was a Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Technology, Policy, and Strategy. While at NASA, he worked on norms of behavior, legal policy, and the interagency authorization and supervision effort.
Prior to NASA, Mr. Swiney was an Attorney Adviser in the State Department’s legal bureau. He led the international space law portfolio at State and the U.S. delegation to the COPUOS Legal Subcommittee.
Mr. Swiney was one of the creators of the Artemis Accords and has participated in the negotiation of dozens of space cooperation arrangements. Before focusing on space issues, Mr. Swiney worked on the use of force, sanctions, and Africa legal issues at State.
He holds law degrees from Harvard and Oxford, has taught space policy and law at Harvard Law School, and has published on a range of issues.