U.S., France Hold 2nd Comprehensive Dialogue on Space

On March 20-21, 2024, representatives of the United States and France convened in the Washington area for the second U.S.-France Comprehensive Dialogue on Space. As with the first instance in November 2022, the comprehensive dialogue included a dedicated government-industry “Track 1.5” session to discuss bilateral commercial space collaboration opportunities.

The Office of Space Commerce played a key role in organizing the Track 1.5 event on March 20, in partnership with the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) and Groupement des industries françaises aéronautiques et spatiales (GIFAS). Some 50 U.S. and French companies participated, with their discussion addressing themes of market access, regulation and policy, spaceflight safety and SSA, and emerging space activities.
The Department of Commerce hosted a preparatory session for the U.S. industry delegation on March 19, with opening remarks by Deputy Secretary Don Graves.
Many thanks to AIA for hosting both days of the dialogue at their headquarters in Arlington, Virginia.