On December 19, the Office of Space Commerce held its third video presentation and listening session, providing updates on progress of the Traffic Coordination System for Space (TraCSS) with a specific focus on space data standards and data formats the …

Video Update on TraCSS Data Standards and Formats Read more »

Today, Vice President Kamala Harris convened the third meeting of the National Space Council under the Biden-Harris Administration. Representing the Department of Commerce, Deputy Secretary Don Graves spoke about the Department’s key roles in weather and climate monitoring, space situational …

Vice President Harris Convenes Third National Space Council Meeting Read more »

On December 13, OSC Director Richard DalBello testified before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, at a hearing on “Government Promotion of Safety and Innovation in the New Space Economy.” Below is his opening statement as prepared for …

Senate Testimony on Mission Authorization and SSA Read more »

Join us on December 19 for the TraCSS listening session on space data standards and formats. The Office of Space Commerce’s Traffic Coordination System for Space (TraCSS) listening sessions are public meetings for sharing the most up-to-date information about TraCSS …

Listening Session about TraCSS Standards for Data Exchange  Read more »

On November 16, NOAA held an industry day to discuss its Commercial Data Program (CDP). Topics included the purpose, function, status, and plans of the Commercial Data Program, including operational data purchases and data pilot projects with commercial Radio Occultation …

NOAA Hosts Industry Day for Commercial Data Program Read more »

Today the Office of Space Commerce released a Request for Information in support of a new licensing system for Commercial Remote Sensing Regulatory Affairs (CRSRA) that will improve communication security with licensed entities, automate workflows, facilitate record search and analysis, and provide licensees with “self-service” …

Commercial Remote Sensing Regulatory Affairs RFI for New Licensing System Read more »