On November 16, NOAA held an industry day to discuss its Commercial Data Program (CDP). Topics included the purpose, function, status, and plans of the Commercial Data Program, including operational data purchases and data pilot projects with commercial Radio Occultation …

NOAA Hosts Industry Day for Commercial Data Program Read more »

Today, May 19, 2022, NOAA released a Request for Proposal (RFP) to conduct a Commercial Weather Data Pilot (CWDP) Study of commercial space weather data sources and related capabilities that may help NOAA meet its space weather mission objectives. View/respond …

NOAA Releases RFP for Commercial Space Weather Data Pilot Read more »

NOAA plans to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) to explore the potential of acquiring commercial space-based weather data for a Commercial Weather Data Pilot (CWDP) study. The RFP will be posted to SAM.gov later this spring. NOAA’s Commercial Data Program (CDP) …

NOAA to Release Solicitation for Commercial Space Weather Data Pilot Read more »

On June 26, 2020, NOAA released the summary of the results of Commercial Weather Data Pilot (CWDP) Round 2. In Round 2, NOAA evaluated GNSS radio occultation data from two U.S. commercial space companies: GeoOptics and Spire. NOAA concludes that, based on …

NOAA Releases Results of Commercial Weather Data Pilot Round 2 Read more »

On April 21, 2020, NOAA released a draft Statement of Work (SOW) for public comment to support NOAA’s first acquisition of commercial space-based radio occultation data for operational use in NOAA’s products and services. View draft SOW at SAM.gov The …

NOAA Plans First Operational Data Buy from Commercial RO Firms Read more »