On July 23, the National Space Council released “A New Era for Deep Space Exploration and Development,” a strategy paper that supports an ambitious vision for human space exploration and development. “The U.S. vision for space is one in which …

White House Releases Moon-Mars Development Strategy Read more »

On June 25, Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross delivered remarks to the Advisory Committee on Commercial Remote Sensing (ACCRES), an independent advisory body to NOAA’s Commercial Remote Sensing Regulatory Affairs office (CRSRA). Secretary Ross spoke about the Department’s final rule …

Secretary Ross Addresses ACCRES on Final Remote Sensing Rule Read more »

On June 24, Office of Space Commerce Director Kevin O’Connell spoke about the new commercial remote sensing rule at the 27th meeting of NOAA’s Federal Advisory Committee on Commercial Remote Sensing (ACCRES). Below are his remarks as prepared for delivery. …

O’Connell Remarks at June 2020 ACCRES Meeting Read more »

On May 19, Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross participated in the seventh meeting of the National Space Council, held at NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C. During the meeting, Secretary Ross announced the release of the final rule for commercial remote …

Secretary Ross Remarks to National Space Council, May 2020 Read more »

Today, the U.S. Department of Commerce released new regulations to improve the licensing process for private U.S. satellite remote sensing operations, helping ensure continued U.S. leadership in a critical commercial space industry. View final rule at federalregister.gov The new final …

Commerce Department Releases New Regulations to Support U.S. Leadership in Commercial Satellite Remote Sensing Industry Read more »

On January 6, 2020, the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) published an interim final rule to make certain items subject to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and to impose a license requirement for the export and reexport …

Comments Requested on New Export Licensing Rule Affecting Imagery Analysis Software Read more »

On December 3, Office of Space Commerce Director Kevin O’Connell delivered a keynote address at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s 2nd Annual Space Summit, LAUNCH: The Space Economy. Below are his remarks as prepared for delivery. Remarks of Kevin M. …

O’Connell Remarks to U.S. Chamber of Commerce Read more »

Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross spoke at the August 20, 2019, meeting of the National Space Council, held in Dulles, Virginia. He provided updates on the Department’s activities in commercial space, including implementation of the Space Policy Directives on space …

Secretary Ross Remarks from 6th National Space Council Meeting Read more »

Today the Department of Commerce published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on Licensing of Private Remote Sensing Space Systems. View proposed rules at federalregister.gov Commerce is proposing a complete rewrite of its current regulations, last updated in 2006, to …

Commerce Proposes Streamlined Licensing Rules for Private Remote Sensing Satellites Read more »