On April 17, 2019, the Department of Commerce hosted a public meeting to discuss the National Space Council’s ongoing review of space export controls under Space Policy Directive-2, “Streamlining Regulations on Commercial Use of Space.” Over 70 attendees from 60 …

DOC Export Control Industry Day Held April 17 Read more »

On April 9, Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross delivered a keynote address at the 35th Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, CO. Among other things, he announced that the Departments of Commerce and State will co-host a Space Enterprise Summit on …

Secretary Ross Remarks from 2019 Space Symposium Read more »

The Departments of Commerce and State will jointly host a Space Enterprise Summit in Washington, D.C., on June 26-27, 2019. The purpose is to forge partnerships with the space industry, and to promote U.S. Government and commercial best practices and …

Commerce & State to Host Space Enterprise Summit on June 26-27 Read more »

The Commerce Department will host a public meeting on space export controls on Wednesday, April 17, 2019, from 1:00-2:30 p.m. in Washington, D.C. The meeting is being organized in cooperation with the Department of Transportation and NASA in support of …

DOC to Host Space Export Control Industry Day on April 17 (UPDATED) Read more »

On March 27, Jason Kim of the Office of Space Commerce delivered a presentation on Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) issues at the Munich Satellite Navigation Summit in Munich, Germany. The presentation provides updates on: the expanding role of the …

GPS Presentation from Munich Satellite Navigation Summit Read more »

On March 26, Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross attended the fifth meeting of the National Space Council in Huntsville, Alabama, to provide updates on the Commerce Department’s continuing implementation of Space Policy Directives 2 and 3. View his remarks at …

Secretary Ross Remarks from 5th Space Council Meeting Read more »

View report at commerce.gov (PDF) On March 26, the Commerce Department released a report titled, “Driving Space Commerce Through Effective Spectrum Policy.” The report, sent to President Trump by Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, makes recommendations for improving the global …

Commerce Secretary Issues Space Commerce Spectrum Report Read more »

On March 8, the Departments of State and Commerce each issued an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) soliciting public comments for a new review of space-related export controls. This action follows direction from the President in Space Policy Directive-2, …

Comments Requested for New Review of Space-Related Export Controls Read more »

On December 12, 2018, Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross hosted a Space Investment Summit at the Department of Commerce, bringing together leaders from the commercial space industry and the finance community to learn about each others’ needs. Secretary Ross moderated a …

Secretary Ross Hosts Space Investment Summit Read more »

On December 5, 2018, Kevin O’Connell delivered a keynote address at the 13th Annual Eilene M. Galloway Memorial Symposium held in Washington, D.C., by the International Institute of Space Law. Below are his remarks as prepared for delivery. Good morning, …

Advancing Space Commerce: What Does “Light Touch, Permissive Regulation” Mean? Read more »